Egyptian Alphabet Name Generator

Egyptian Alphabet Name Generator

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This list includes names of pharaohs, queens, deities, and other significant figures from ancient Egyptian history.

100 Ancient Egyptian Names and Their Meanings

  1. Ahmose: “Child of the moon”
  2. Akhenaten: “Effective for Aten”
  3. Amenhotep: “Amun is satisfied”
  4. Amunhotep: “Amun is content”
  5. Ankhesenamun: “Her life is of Amun”
  6. Anubis: “Royal child”
  7. Anuket: “Embracing lady”
  8. Ay: “He who is strong”
  9. Baketmut: “Soul of Mut”
  10. Bastet: “Devouring lady”
  11. Cheops: Greek form of Khufu
  12. Cleopatra: “Glory of the father”
  13. Djedefre: “Enduring like Ra”
  14. Djoser: “Sacred”
  15. Hatshepsut: “Foremost of noble women”
  16. Hetepheres: “Satisfied is her face”
  17. Horemheb: “Horus is in jubilation”
  18. Horus: “The distant one”
  19. Iahmesu: Reconstructed form of Ahmose
  20. Imhotep: “The one who comes in peace”
  21. Intef: “His father”
  22. Isetnofret: “The beautiful one is favored”
  23. Itet: “The throne”
  24. Khaemweset: “He who appears in Thebes”
  25. Khufu: “Protected by Khnum”
  26. Meketaten: “Protected by Aten”
  27. Menkaura: “Enduring life of Ra”
  28. Menes: “He who endures”
  29. Mentuhotep: “Montu is satisfied”
  30. Merenhor: “Beloved of Horus”
  31. Meritamun: “Beloved of Amun”
  32. Meritaten: “She who is beloved of Aten”
  33. Mutemwia: “Mut in the divine bark”
  34. Mutnofret: “Mother is beautiful”
  35. Nakht: “Strong” or “mighty”
  36. Narmer: “Fierce catfish”
  37. Nebetah: “Lady of all lands”
  38. Nebetneferu: “Lady of perfection”
  39. Neferkara: “Beautiful is the soul of Ra”
  40. Neferkare: “The soul of Ra is beautiful”
  41. Neferneferuaten: “Beautiful are the beauties of Aten”
  42. Nefertari: “Beautiful companion”
  43. Nefertiti: “The beautiful one has come”
  44. Nefertum: “Beautiful one who comes”
  45. Neith: “Water” or “weaver”
  46. Neithhotep: “Neith is satisfied”
  47. Nut: “Sky” or “heaven”
  48. Pepi: “Of the house of Ra”
  49. Ptah: “Opener” or “sculptor”
  50. Qakara Ibi: “The soul of Ra is exalted”
  51. Qetesh: “Sacred”
  52. Ramesses: “Born of Ra”
  53. Renenutet: “She who rears”
  54. Renpet: “Year” or “time”
  55. Renpetnefer: “Beautiful year”
  56. Sehetepibre: “Pleasing to the heart of Ra”
  57. Senet: “Game”
  58. Senusret: “Man of goddess Wosret”
  59. Seti: “He of Seth”
  60. Shabaka: “The one with strong arms”
  61. Sneferu: “To make beautiful”
  62. Sobek: “Crocodile”
  63. Sobekhotep: “Sobek is satisfied”
  64. Sobekneferu: “The beauty of Sobek”
  65. Tadibastet: “Daughter of Bastet”
  66. Tausret: “The powerful one”
  67. Tefnut: “That which is spat out”
  68. Tetisheri: “The noble one”
  69. Thutmose: “Born of Thoth”
  70. Tia: “Goddess”
  71. Tiye: “Great”
  72. Tutankhamun: “Living image of Amun”
  73. Tuya: “The great one”
  74. Userkaf: “His soul is strong”
  75. Weret-hekau: “Great of magic”
  76. Ahmose-Nefertari: “Child of the moon, beautiful companion”
  77. Amenemhat: “Amun is at the front”
  78. Ankhesenpaaten: “Her life is of Aten”
  79. Djedkara Shemai: “The soul of Ra endures”
  80. Harsiese: “Horus, son of Isis”
  81. Irynefer: “One who loves goodness”
  82. Khepri: “He who comes into being”
  83. Meresankh: “She who loves life”
  84. Montuhotep: “Montu is content”
  85. Nebsenra: “Their lord is Ra”
  86. Neferibra: “Beautiful is the heart of Ra”
  87. Neferkamin: “Beautiful is the Ka of Min”
  88. Neferure: “Beautiful companion”
  89. Netjerikara: “Divine is the soul of Ra”
  90. Psamtik: “Man of the southern drink”
  91. Qakare: “The soul of Ra is exalted”
  92. Sekhemkare: “Powerful is the soul of Ra”
  93. Seneb: “Healthy” or “well-being”
  94. Seqenenre: “Who strikes like Ra”
  95. Smenkhkare: “Vigorous is the soul of Ra”
  96. Teti: “The father”
  97. Tiy: “Great”
  98. Usermare: “Powerful is the justice of Ra”
  99. Wadjet: “The green one”
  100. Yakbim: “The one whom Ra has created”

This list provides a diverse range of ancient Egyptian names, including those of pharaohs, queens, deities, and other significant figures. Each name carries a unique meaning that reflects aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, beliefs, and values.

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