Egyptian Pharaoh Name Generator
Here’s a table containing 100 names of Egyptian Pharaohs, organized chronologically as much as possible based on the available information:
# | Pharaoh Name | # | Pharaoh Name |
1 | Narmer | 51 | Amenhotep III |
2 | Hor-Aha | 52 | Akhenaten |
3 | Djer | 53 | Smenkhkare |
4 | Djet | 54 | Tutankhamun |
5 | Den | 55 | Ay |
6 | Anedjib | 56 | Horemheb |
7 | Semerkhet | 57 | Ramesses I |
8 | Qa’a | 58 | Seti I |
9 | Hotepsekhemwy | 59 | Ramesses II |
10 | Raneb | 60 | Merneptah |
11 | Peribsen | 61 | Amenmesse |
12 | Khasekhemwy | 62 | Seti II |
13 | Djoser | 63 | Siptah |
14 | Sekhemkhet | 64 | Tawosret |
15 | Sanakht | 65 | Ramesses III |
16 | Khaba | 66 | Ramesses IV |
17 | Huni | 67 | Ramesses V |
18 | Sneferu | 68 | Ramesses VI |
19 | Khufu | 69 | Ramesses VII |
20 | Djedefre | 70 | Ramesses VIII |
21 | Khafre | 71 | Ramesses IX |
22 | Menkaure | 72 | Ramesses X |
23 | Shepseskaf | 73 | Ramesses XI |
24 | Userkaf | 74 | Smendes |
25 | Sahure | 75 | Amenemhat I |
26 | Neferirkara | 76 | Senusret I |
27 | Shepseskare | 77 | Amenemhat II |
28 | Neferefre | 78 | Senusret II |
29 | Niuserre | 79 | Senusret III |
30 | Menkauhor | 80 | Amenemhat III |
31 | Djedkara | 81 | Amenemhat IV |
32 | Unas | 82 | Sobekneferu |
33 | Teti | 83 | Neferhotep I |
34 | Pepi I | 84 | Kheperkare |
35 | Merenre | 85 | Neferkare |
36 | Pepi II | 86 | Nectanebo I |
37 | Ahmose I | 87 | Nectanebo II |
38 | Amenhotep I | 88 | Ptolemy I |
39 | Thutmose I | 89 | Ptolemy II |
40 | Thutmose II | 90 | Ptolemy III |
41 | Hatshepsut | 91 | Ptolemy IV |
42 | Thutmose III | 92 | Ptolemy V |
43 | Amenhotep II | 93 | Ptolemy VI |
44 | Thutmose IV | 94 | Ptolemy VII |
45 | Amenemhat I | 95 | Ptolemy VIII |
46 | Senusret I | 96 | Ptolemy IX |
47 | Amenemhat II | 97 | Ptolemy X |
48 | Senusret II | 98 | Ptolemy XI |
49 | Senusret III | 99 | Ptolemy XII |
50 | Amenemhat III | 100 | Cleopatra VII |
This table includes pharaohs from various dynasties of ancient Egypt, spanning from the Early Dynastic Period to the Ptolemaic Period. It’s important to note that some pharaohs may appear more than once in historical records due to co-regencies or disputed successions. Additionally, the exact chronology and spelling of names can vary depending on the source and transliteration method used.