New York Phone Number Generator

NYC Phone Number Generator

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Here’s a comprehensive table with all you need to know about New York phone numbers:

Area Codes212, 315, 332, 347, 516, 518, 585, 607, 631, 646, 680, 716, 718, 838, 845, 914, 917, 929, 934
Format+1 XXX XXX XXXX (e.g., +1 212 123 4567)
Total Digits11 (including country code)2
Country Code+12
Local Number Length7 digits2
Popular Area Codes212 (Manhattan), 718 (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island), 917 (All boroughs)5
Toll-Free Prefixes800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 8443
Do Not Call RegulationsNew York enforces a Do Not Call registry, prohibiting unsolicited calls to registered numbers1
Telemarketer DisclosureTelemarketers must offer the option to be added to the company’s do-not-call list at the beginning of the call1
Local PresenceHaving a New York number can establish a local presence and increase customer trust2
Virtual Number AvailabilityAvailable through various providers (e.g., CloudTalk, Talkroute, KrispCall)234
Number PortabilityExisting numbers can typically be ported to new providers3
SMS CapabilityVirtual New York numbers can be used for SMS4
International CallingNew York numbers can receive international calls, often at reduced rates with VoIP services2
Business Hours SettingMany virtual number services allow setting business hours for call handling2

This table provides a comprehensive overview of New York phone numbers, including area codes, formatting, regulations, and features offered by virtual number providers. It covers essential information for both personal and business use of New York phone numbers.

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